It's also a great way of earning money to buy goods in the in-game shop. Collecting power-ups and not losing a lot of lives means you get a higher grade, and trying to get three stars on each world in each of three difficulties (higher difficulties mean smarter and faster AI as well as less lives to start out with) makes for some good replay value here. However, they're alike in that you're awarded up to three stars each for how well you do on the world, just like every other in the game. The sixth world is unlike the other five, as it purely two boss battles inst the big bad of Super Bomberman R's story. One boss is a crab-like creature that requires you to avoid its swinging claw while blasting its six legs to bring the center of mech down to ground level, allowing you to deal damage to the boss. The battle after, the tenth level, has the Dastardly Bomber transforming or entering some kind of machinery for a different kind of boss battle where learning patterns, picking one's shots, and discovering when a boss is vulnerable to attack are key to emerging victorious while losing the least amount of lives. As you can imagine, with a co-op buddy, this becomes much trickier to do. When they dropped a bomb, I tried to drop a bomb a space away from that one, trying to trap the Bomber between the two bombs, thus resulting in them getting caught and trapped in the ensuing explosion. Instead, I picked my shots and tried to take each Dastardly Bomber out using the same strategy. Still, I found it relatively easy to survive these encounters as I tried not to go all kamikaze on bosses. This is no easy task, as it seems the boss AI reads your control inputs and acts accordingly, something that makes multiplayer with AI an annoyance (more on that later). The first of two battles puts you in an arena against a Dastardly Bomber, trying to outwit the boss. The ninth and tenth levels in a world pits you against a two part boss, one of Buggler's Dastardly Bombers.
Other mission types include surviving an onslaught of enemies for a limited amount of time, stepping on a series of switches, gathering a specific amount of keys, and rounding up NPCs and bringing them to a goal area. The first eight levels in each themed world contain various mission types, but most of the time it's simply to destroy all enemies, usually by trapping them with bombs. The campaign tasks you with completing five planets of ten levels each. Nonetheless, it's a nice option to be able to blow enemies to smithereens with somebody as long as you're not worried about having to continue, which costs a certain amount of money, the currency used to buy items in the in-game shop such as hats and characters to use in multiplayer as well as new arenas. Though this can be more harmful than helpful when you have two players each dropping bombs, sometimes even blowing one another up, especially in boss battles. The actual campaign of story mode can be played by one's lonesome or locally with a friend. The voice acting is suitably campy as well, making for scenes throughout the game that you can't help but at least eek out a grin at. It's intentionally campy, and it works in this regard. Super Bomberman R's story mode begins with an absolutely adorable scene that seems ripped straight from a Saturday morning cartoon with its cheesiness. Nonetheless, perhaps it being "just in time for the Switch launch" has made it a game that isn't as big of a blast as it could have been. Now, Konami has brought Bomberman back and just in time for the Switch launch. It is indeed true what they say: absence makes the heart grow fonder. I took for granted how much I enjoyed the series when it was common for games starring old Bomby to release seemingly every other month.

Description Bomberman has been in hibernation for quite some time.